Upcoming Events
Join us for our upcoming events at St Andrew’s Church.
Download our What’s On Guide here.
Wednesday 19th February 2025 Jam Sandwich Club
Join us for Jam Sandwich Club and do some fun activities and get a jam sandwich (or ham, or cheese!)
TeaTime Church is back! Join us for February’s TTC on 23rd February
Shrove Tuesday 4th March St Andrew’s Flippin Marvellous Pancake Party
Drop in between 3.15pm and 5pm. All welcome.
Saturday 29th March Church and Churchyard Clear-up
We’re always looking for volunteers to help with Church and Churchyard Clear-ups - next one happening on Saturday 29th March between 10.30am - 12 noon (greenfingers not necessary!)
Do join us if you can!

VE Day Spring Fair
We shall be holding a Fair in the churchyard on Saturday 5th June from 1.00 to 4.00pm. Please email Claire Halley at standrewsheritage@gmail.com for a stall booking form.
As this event falls during our Soham-focused WW2 exhibition in church, it would add to the atmosphere if stallholders got into sprit of the day and decorated their stalls with bunting or maybe even dressed-up in 40’s style!
WW2 Exhibition
St Andrew’s Church will be commemorating the 76th anniversary of the end of the Second World War with a themed flower display together with an exhibition highlighting the contribution made by Soham people during the war.
The exhibition will be open from Wednesday 2nd June until Wednesday 9th June from 10.15am – 4.15pm and from 12.30 on Saturday 5th and Sunday 6th June.