Previous Events at St Andrew’s Church 2020
National lockdowns and continuing restrictions prevented us from hosting a number of community events we had planned for 2020.
Nevertheless, with the help of a generous grant from the National Lottery Heritage Emergency Fund and with the support of many local community groups and businesses, we organised a number of community events held in line with Covid guidelines.
Winter Fair 2020
Over 20 hardy stall holders set up in the churchyard on 12th December: a wet and cold winter day. The weather did not put off our stall holders, nor it seems the people of Soham, who turned out in large numbers to find those last minute gifts from a varied selection of stalls selling everything from Christmas crafts, decorations, cakes, honey, garden plants and wildlife boxes. There was truly something for everyone.
Thanks to members of Soham Comrades Band who played a selection of Christmas Carols, adding to the festive atmosphere.
Click on the link below for photos of the event
Christmas Tree Festival 2020
The first St Andrew's Christmas Tree Festival was launched on 9th December and ran till 15th December. Over 500 people visited the festival to enjoy the spectacle of over 20 trees decorated by local groups, schools and charities. We would like to thank all the groups who took part and helped us create a very special atmosphere in the the church.
If your group missed out on taking part this year, don’t worry, this will undoubtedly become an annual event. Keep an eye out in the Autumn for details on how to take part in December 2021!
Click on the link below for a tour of the Christmas Tree Festival by Eleanor on our Youtube channel
Or clink on the link below for photos of the trees
Ride and Stride Mini Market
After a long spring and summer of National Lockdown and subsequent restrictions, we were pleased to open up the church to community events in September.
We began with a Mini Market on Saturday 12th September. We were delighted to welcome over 200 Soham residents back to St Andrew's to enjoy an afternoon of browsing through the many stalls set up in the churchyard.
The Mini Market coincided with the annual National Churches Trust 'Ride and Stride'. This event to encourages people to visit churches in their local area whilst raising funds for the Trust and their local church. Alison Evans walked over 12 miles visiting local churches along the way whilst Bridget and Peter Buchan peddled 30 miles and took in over 10 Cambridgeshire churches on their journey.
Click on the link below for photos of the event
Ride and Stride Mini Market 12 September 2020 - Google Photos
Remembrance 2020
Remembrance in lockdown meant we had to do things a little differently this year. The exhibition we had planned to hold in the church with displays of historical material from WWI and WWII was cancelled. Nevertheless, we marked the occasion with floral displays created by our flower-arrangers in the church. Outside we re-used the poppies knitted by members of the community for the 2018 Soham Remembers exhibition to decorate the church gates and trees. The poppies were an impressive sight and were an important reminder that we can still honour such an important occasion even in challenging times.
We hope to use the historical materials we had gathered for an exhibition in 2021.
Keep a look out on our 'Upcoming Events' page for more details.
Church & churchyard clear-ups
These are a regular feature at St Andrews, when we ask members of the community to volunteer to help us tidy up in and around the church. .
Working within the guidelines, we managed to hold a few clear-ups in the summer and autumn months. We are very grateful to everyone who turned out with their own tools, gloves, face masks (for work inside) and refreshments.
Hopefully, we shall be able to organise another clear-up in Spring 2021. Look out for notices on our facebook group for details if you'd like to take part.
Photos from 2019 of previous churchyard clear ups can be found here
Little Wombatz Pre-School visits
We were delighted to welcome Little Wombatz pre-school children and their helpers to St Andrews to see the amazing Harvest floral displays in the church.
Although the visits took a little more organisation than usual, to ensure we all complied with the regulations in place, everyone really enjoyed themselves and we vowed to organise more visits when the regulations permit. Photos from the visit can be found here
Wombats Pre-School Visits - Google Photos
We have really missed welcoming local school groups and pre-schoolers to the church this year. Eleanor and Hannah have produced many school assemblies and lessons via zoom (many of which can be seen on our youtube channel) but it just not the same as seeing everyone in person.
We hope that 2021 will see us all together again.