Previous Events at St Andrew’s Church 2021
WW2 Exhibition 2 -9 June
Our twice postponed exhibition finally opened on 2 June 2021. A fitting date, as this marked the 77th anniversary of the Soham Rail Disaster.
Originally due to be held on the 75th anniversary of VE Day in May 2020, the exhibition highlighted the history of men and women from Soham who served in the Second World War together with the story of the Soham Rail explosion which took place on 2 June 1944 then an ammunition train caught fire in Soham station, resulting in a terrific explosion. Had it not been for the heroism of the railway workers, there would have been considerable further loss of life.
With contributions from Soham Heritage & Tourism, Soham Library, Soham Lodge Care Centre, church flower arrangers, St Andrew’s Primary School, the Weatheralls Primary School and many individuals who donated historical materials for display, this was truly a fantastic community effort to celebrate and remember local heroes.
We were pleased to welcome Little Wombats Pre-School and classes from Weatheralls Primary School for an exclusive tour of the exhibition.
If you didn’t manage to visit the exhibition, you can follow the link to a photo album here WW2 Exhibition June 2021 - Google Photos
Spring Fair 5 June
We had postponed our Spring Fair due to be held on 8 May due to bad weather. IT turns out this was absolutely the right decision. The sun shone on 5 June and we couldn’t have asked for better weather.
With over 30 stalls from local businesses, charities, church and community groups there was something for everyone. Hundreds of people came to the event happy at the chance to get out and about and see old friends and neighbours again.
Many took the opportunity to visit our WW2 exhibition in the church celebrating the lives of Soham men and women in the war.
Follow the link for some photos of the day Spring Fair June 2021 - Google Photos
Soham Gardening Club Produce Show 21 August
We were very pleased to host the Soham Gardening Club Annual Produce Show in St Andrew's Church this year. With a host of different categories there was plenty of opportunity to take part and win a prize!
We hope to see the Gardening Club back again next year, so start planning your planting now !
Autumn Fair 11 September
The date of our Autumn Fair again coincided with the National Churches Trust 'Ride + Stride for churches' event. Ride+Stride helps to raise funds for support grant applications for churches across the country. As a recipient of a number NCT grants we where happy to lend our support to this very worthwhile project.
With numerous stalls from local businesses, charities, church and community groups as well as catering provided by Gloof, this was a welcome opportunity to get out and about, and chat to old friends over a cuppa and cake.
Black History Month - Breaking the Silence of the British Slave Trade - Collisions Theater Company
To mark Black History month we were privileged to host Collisions Theatre Company, led by Dr Holly Maples, University of Essex, in the church from 13th - 16th October.
Their production - Breaking the Silence of the British Slave Trade - is a unique immersive theatrical performance of the untold stories of British Caribbean slaves and Black British Abolitionists using their own words. Set in a fictionalized meeting, key members of the 18th and early 19th-century British Abolition movement debate how best to publicise the their aim of banning slavery.
The actors brought history to life and celebrated historic figures such as Mary Prince, Dido Elizabeth Belle, Olaudah Equiano and others. Equiano, of course, married Susannah Cullen in St Andrew’s Church on 7 April 1792. Through speeches, personal narratives, and song, the actors told the stories of these important and influential figures in their own words.
Over 600 pupils and staff from all four Soham schools attended performances throughout the week. The stalwart performers gave their 7th performance of the production on Saturday for the wider community.
We were also pleased to display an exhibition provided by Cambridgeshire Library Service on Olaudah Equiano and are grateful to Donna Martin for the donation of her publication ‘Olaudah’ Soham at the time of the Abolition for distribution to the public during this event.
The production was funded by the Arts Council England and Unity Trust in collaboration with Brunel University London and University of Essex Research
Black History Month - The British Slave Trade in Past and Present Memory - 15 October
In tandem with the theatre performances, we were pleased to welcome Dr Inge Dornan on Friday 15th October to deliver her highly engaging and informative public talk 'The British Slave Trade in Past History and Present Memory".
Dr Inge Dornan is a historian and Senior Lecturer at Brunel University London and is a specialist in the history of slavery and the slave trade in North America and the Caribbean. In the talk, she explored the history of the British slave trade from the perspective of those whose lives were differently shaped and affected by slavery, including British slavers, abolitionists, and enslaved men, women, and children in the British Caribbean. She also reflected on how and why the history of Britain's involvement in slavery and the slave trade remains a source of ongoing controversy and debate in Britain today.
Dr Dornan also who co-wrote the Breaking the Silence performance with theatre director and academic Dr Holly Maples.
Christmas Tree Festival 8 - 14 December
Our Christmas Tree Festival ran from Wednesday 8 to Tuesday 14 December this year. This was the second year we have run the festival and its goes from strength to strength.
Over 700 people came to visit the festival and enjoyed 30 trees decorated by local schools, nurseries, businesses, groups, and charities. The event really showcases what a thriving and active community Soham is. There were many imaginative trees and decorations, none more so than that created by Soham Men's Shed, this was definitely the first time sausage rolls have featured as tree decorations! It was a wonderful event, enjoyed by everyone who visited and made possible by all of the groups who took time to be involved, so thank you to everyone who decorated a tree.
There will be another festival next year so if you didn't get a chance to be involved this year, do keep your eyes peeled around Autumn time for information about our 2022 Festival.
For those who didn't manage to get to our Festival and would like to see it, click on the link below for a virtual tour posted on our YouTube channel Christmas Tree Festival Virtual Tour 2021 - YouTube or take a look at our photo album here.
Christmas Tree Festival Pre-school visits
We were delighted to set aside some time before the Festival opened to the public each day to welcome pre-school children to have a tour of the trees and to listen to the Nativity story.
Little Wombatz and children cared for by childminders in Soham, Fordham and Wicken had both contributed trees to the festival. The children were especially thrilled to see their tree and the decorations they had made.
The Little Wombatz particularly enjoyed seeing how many stars they could spot around the church and on the trees!
Winter Fair 11 December
We held our annual Winter Fair on Saturday 11th December in the churchyard and were lucky this year with a dry day. Visitors to the Fair also took the opportunity to look around the Christmas Tree Festival inside the church . There was a great variety of stalls representing local businesses, charities and groups selling Christmas, gifts and decorations as well cakes and other treats. It was the perfect opportunity to purchase some last minute gifts and catch up with friends and neighbours
Thank you to all of our stall holders and visitors. If you would like to find out more about taking a stall at one of our upcoming fairs please email standrewsheritage@gmail.com for details.
This year we made some changes to our traditional Christingle event. The Mothers' Union and helpers assembled 150 Christingles and gave them out to all of the children who visited the Winter Fair as well as displaying a giant Christingle! If you would like to watch the Christingle video and learn how to make one you can follow this link to our YouTube channel Online Christingle - YouTube