Previous Events 2023
Heritage Morning
On a sunny October morning we gathered in church and churchyard to explore and celebrate the range of heritage skills which support the restoration and maintenance of historic buildings and historic objects.
Skills represented included blacksmithing, bookbinding, bricklaying, drawing, clay, flint knapping, knitting, limework, painting conservation, roofing, willowwork, and we were also joined by talented makers from Soham and beyond. Our thanks goes to all our craftspeople, and to the nearly 200 of you that joined us for this event.
The Heritage Morning was part of the project ‘In the Footsteps of St Felix’ and was made possible thanks to funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund.
A video of this event and our Heritage Skills Workshops can be viewed here.
This event was co-produced with Place Services.
Heritage Skills Workshops
A group of year 10 and 11 students joined us in the churchyard to try out some heritage skills. All these skills are in short supply, and much needed to maintain and restore the historic buildings in the region, not least our very own church.
The day aimed to show these young people the range of different jobs available in the heritage sector, and the opportunities these trades could offer them as a future career, but it was also a lot of fun to be out in the sunshine trying something new.
Anglia Lime let students have a go at some lime plastering. Mathias Restoration Ltd were there to give them a taste of laying brick and pointing. Joe Orsi supported the ancient trade of flint knapping. And Traditional Oak Carpentry showcased working with timber.
A video of this event and our accompanying Heritage Morning can be viewed here.
The event was co-ordinated by Place Services and supported by SPAB.
This event was part of the project, ‘In the Footsteps of St Felix’ and was possible thanks to funding from the National Heritage Lottery Fund.
St Felix Fair
The weather could not stop us!
Over 400 people gathered in church for a celebration of Soham’s early history. From gory surgical tools to medieval food, medicinal herbs and some very old poo… there really was something for everyone!
The fair was part of the project ‘In the Footsteps of St Felix’ and was made possible thanks to funding from the National Heritage Lottery Fund and the support of the following groups, to whom we say a huge thankyou.
Clay and Wood, Handcrafted Gifts by Shyland, H Austwick Roofing, Round the Garden Pottery, SAO Crafts, Soham Community Association, Soham Gardening Club, Soham Heritage and Tourism, Soham Men’s Shed, Soham PCC, Soham Village College CATS, The Cambridge Waits, Tony Pearson, Wessex Archaeology
Photos of the day can be viewed here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/MYpVmqG4JjqN1BrG6
Archaeological Digs
In July, a group of year 9 and 10 students joined professional archaeology unit, Wessex Archaeology for a community dig with a difference. Six ‘test pits’ were dug in local gardens. Finds included bone, flint, a horseshoe and some medicine bottles. Students were supported in processing the finds using a variety of different methods and displayed their finds at the St Felix Fair.
The dig was part of the project, ‘In the Footsteps of St Felix’ and was possible thanks to funding from the National Heritage Lottery Fund.
You can watch a short film about the project here.
Hard Hat Tours
Hard Hat tours offered everyone a chance to see building conservation in action. Over 90 people attended tours led by project architect, Stephanie Norris, and lead contractor Steve Austwick (H Austwick Roofing).
The tours were part of the project, ‘In the Footsteps of St Felix’ and made possible by funding from the National Heritage Lottery Fund.
For those that missed the tours, a taster is available here: https://youtu.be/p0HE82Hp2Ck